3 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Marketing in Any Channel

January 12, 2023
3 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Marketing in Any Channel

Marketing is a beast.

It didn’t used to be. Buy an ad in the newspaper. Make one TV spot. But with tools, trends, and algorithms changing daily, it’s become an immense job, even for a marketing pro, to keep up with. Here are three things you can do today to have better marketing.

Oh, and they are 100% tool, trend, and algorithm agnostic.

Put the cape away, you aren’t the hero.

So many businesses struggle to get traction with the customers. Most of the time, this has to do with their positioning. Heroes are, by definition, weak, dumb, and bound to make mistakes (otherwise there would be no struggle in their story). Instead of positioning your business as the hero and telling your customer how great you are, let the customer be the hero. Your job is to be the guide who helps them win the day. Be Gandalf to their Frodo. Dumbledore to their Harry. Rafiki to their Simba. Give them a plan to solve their problems and they will love you for it.

Ask them to do something. ANYTHING.

Something like 80% of businesses have no call to actions. Don’t fact check that, but it’s a lot. Most worry that asking for the sale will make them feel like some door-to-door charlatan, but in reality, when you don’t ask for the sale, the customer doesn’t think you believe in what you’re selling. If your product would improve their life, it would be kind of rude not to tell them to buy it right? Don’t you want them to be happy?

28oz bone-in char-grilled stakes.

A story without stakes is nothing. Imagine Gandalf told Frodo to go throw the ring in the mountain without any stakes:

“Hey Frodo, get your buddies and throw this ring in that mountain.”

“What happens if I don’t”

“Not much,”

Roll credits.

That story sucks. The hero has no need to follow the plan if there are no stakes. Paint a picture of what success and failure look like for your customer, and they will be more likely to follow your plan to that success.

A story that doesn’t work, doesn’t work. Even with every tool, hack, and trend on your side, if you’re telling a story that positions your business as the hero, and asks your customer to do nothing, for no reason, you won’t win. Take a look at the last marketing piece you did. Do it. Right now. Ask yourself:

Is your business the hero in the story, or the guide?

Are you driving the customer to take a specific, meaningful action?

Do they know what is at stake if they don’t take that action?

If you need help, let me know.

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